Monday, August 27, 2012

Something clicked

I'm starting to understand more about digital painting. This is still work in process, however I really like how this is developing. There's several "happy accidents" that in some areas gave me a different perspective on achieving my goal.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Update on Recent work

Here's an update on a recent post. I know there's more to add, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly needs to be added, or how.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The last couple of days or so...

Okay, I've been quite busy since the last time I posted anything. After reviewing the previous painting I decided to do some more studing and self evaluation. Above you'll see some perspective practices.

Here I wanted to paint a drawing where I used the perspective leanings.

I wasn't satisfied with the previous painting so I tried to just start a random painting with no drawing. Previously I caught myself getting to hung-up in details that I was losing my flow. But in this painting I just tried to have fun. It's not finished, but I am liking the way it's turning out. I'm not sure if I'll finish it...

This is a working progress

Here's where I'm at thus far. I'm really excited to see what the finally with look like. I'll definitely post the finish  image once I'm done.